What the study involves

In the early stage disease  part of RIDD, people with Dupuytren's nodules and less than 30° finger contracture are given anti-TNF or placebo injection into the nodule every three months for a year. We monitored their hand and health for 18 months.

Being part of the study requires seven hospital appointment over an 18 month period. We can reimburse the travel costs of these visits. To see the hospitals involved in the study click here.

Everyone who takes part in the study is screened to ensure they are suitable to receive anti-TNF treatment. They will have their hand assessed by one of our doctors and their nodules imaged using ultrasound before each injection. They also complete questionnaires about their health and their hand.

The study protocol has been published as a scientific paper and is freely available here.

Our study is funded by the Wellcome Trust and Department of Health and is registered on the ISRCTN registry ISRCTN27786905 and sponsored by the University of Oxford.  It has been approved by the National Research Ethics Committee South Central - Oxford B and by the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

You can read full details of the study here in our publication.